Under the supervision of the Directors of CSJCC-Camp Shalom and Mizel JCDS the lead teacher is responsible for creating an environment that promotes the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth of the students in their classroom.
The daycare teacher will support and actively promote our mission to provide young children with a secure and loving atmosphere in which to grow, develop a positive self-image, and learn the joy of Jewish life.
The Community Programs Manager is responsible for developing, implementing, and managing a wide range of cultural, educational, and community-focused programs that align with JFT’s mission.
The Senior Director of Strategic Philanthropy is a key member of JFT’s leadership team, providing strategic direction for the organization’s philanthropic efforts and transformational initiatives.
The Young Family Engagement Manager is an integral member of the Charles Schusterman Jewish Community Center (CSJCC) team, responsible for creating and implementing dynamic programs for young families and youth.
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